As part of the Central and Eastern Europe Network of Associations and Foundations in the Green European Foundation - GEF, a workshop on Energy Democracy was held in Vienna, where the novelties of this important topic, which is part of the just energy transition, were presented.
The workshop was led by Aleksandar Gjorgjievski, president of the Sunrise Association, and Michael Berg from GEF, while a presentation was given by Kirjaki Metaxa from the office of the Heinrich Boll Foundation in Thessaloniki.
Part of the cooperation in the Network of GEF organizations from Central and Eastern Europe in the future will be directed towards work and promotion of the concept of Energy Democracy by supporting the formation of energy communities and cooperatives, exchange of experiences through study visits, mapping of national and European regulations, and finding practical solutions
In the coming period, the Association Sinrise will continue to promote the idea of Energy Democracy by working with the first Macedonian energy cooperatives, educating young people and all stakeholders to improve the decision-making process and involvement in future projects.