Just Transition

This transnational project will tackle the question of a Just Transition – transforming from an extractive to a regenerative economy in a just and equitable way to find the necessary support among the population. It seeks to show that the green family, including GEF in its specific role, is a leading actor in the development of futureproof politics and policies, developed in a sensitive way that keeps in mind local specificitiesThe project partners will work together in conducting research on the Just Transition and drafting a paper on its different dimensions. They will connect with relevant European and national actors to build a network and launch the project. In the course of the project, the partners will implement activities in their countries to increase awareness of the importance of a Just Transition all over EuropeEventually, the partners will compile a book on the subject to be published in 2021. 

Cities as Places of Hope II

Building upon the expertise gained in the implementation of previous transnational projects on Urban Commons, the ‘Cities as Places of Hope’ project was launched in 2019 and focusses on these progressive city networks that are a key factor in the development for a positive narrative on the future of Europe. Bringing together political, civil, and economic actors, the partner foundations discuss how these networks can gain more power at the European level, particularly to develop a positive narrative for the future of Europe. The project is also providing a connected space to support engaged citizens in developing urban commons and democratic innovation.


The transnational project, “Revision of the Economy in the Balkans: Change Policy not Climate” wants to raise awareness among stakeholders, politicians and the general public for the economic potential of a Green Economy, to stimulate changes in consumption and production patterns, and promote a participatory approach to policy making. Now in its third year, this transnational project is set out to gather best practices from the three participating countries of Serbia, Macedonia and Bulgaria for a Green Economy. The aim is to showcase and promote the transformation of the economy towards environmental, low-carbon and energy efficient production along with increasing prosperity and equity in society. Field research will help the partner foundations to identify individual examples of successful transition to a Green Economy, which then can support the formulation of policy proposals.

Greening the Economy: Cooperative Society

The transnational project “Greening the Economy: Cooperative Society” wants to set a path to a participatory, inclusive and decentralised green economy. Together with its project partners Sunrise Macedonia and Networked Serbia, the Green European Foundation will promote ideas of green economy in the Balkans through its publications “Revision of the Economy in the Balkans: Change Policy not Climate”  and the Campaigner’s Manual on Green Economy, which were produced in 2017 as part of a transnational project implemented by GEF with the support of its partners in Bulgaria, Serbia and Macedonia.

Fair and Healthy Food

Food is an integral part of our daily lives. The European Union has a direct influence on the food that reaches your plate: where it comes from, how much it costs, and how fair and healthy it is. This project will explore the ways in which different actors can have a Green and healthy impact on EU food policies. The GEF transnational project Fair and Healthy Food aims to reach these different actors, bringing them together to find alternative solutions and support positive changes to the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union. Alongside amazing examples of cities developing great food policies, the project will also examine how regional sustainable food systems can revitalise rural communities.

Fair and Carbon Free Tourism

Transformation towards Energy Democracy